Recipe : A minty and creamy green pea soup

I have a pot of lamb stock. The bones of the leg of lamb which I roasted for Christmas has been turned into a pot of flavourful stock after I added onions, tomatoes, carrots and celery. I freeze them into small portions and they are great for making soup, gravy or stew.

My son then came up with the idea of making green pea soup. A quick search in our recipe books and internet showed that it is really easy to make those green globs. I grabbed a packet of frozen green peas and a packet of mint leaves from the supermarket shelf and we are ready to test out in our kitchen.


Recipe for green pea and mint soup

2 cups stock

1 cup green peas (if you are using frozen ones, you need to cook first, if you are using canned ones, you can just dump into the food processor)

1 handful of mint leaves

A bit of chopped garlic and onion

1 tiny cube of butter

1/2 cup of cream or milk

Salt/pepper to taste


Heat butter and sweat the onion and garlic. Add in green peas and stir till you are sure it is cooked. You don’t want the ‘green smell’ of uncooked peas, you know? However, don’t over cook it or it will turn an ugly yellow. Just taste the peas and you can tell if it is cooked.

Dump everything, including the cream and fresh mint leaves into the food processor and blend till smooth. If you like your fibres, then fine. But I hate the thought of the pea husk (or skin) fermenting in my belly, giving me major flatulence fart fest (3Fs!) so I strained the liquid.

Before serving, heat through over low fire, taking care not to boil it. Season with salt and pepper. Adjust the soup as the peas may cause the green goo to form into an ugly mess. Add some water or milk to make it ‘slurpable’ and not looking like blobs of green stuffs.


The result is a nice, refreshing creamy soup that is hearty and yet, not too thick. The above photo is intentionally touch up with Flickr – Picnik.


This is the original photo. The cream I am using is not so fresh anymore so I dare not use the fresh cream to give it a swirl on the surface. Otherwise, it will look lovely.