Resipi kek cempedak (Chempedak cake recipe)

I am going to blog this in two languages because I think cempedak is native to Malaysia. Anyway, the recipe for butter cake which I used for making durian cake is the basic ingredients of this cake.


Resipi kek chempedak

250 gram mentega
200 gram gula kaster (kurang gula kerana buah sudah cukup manis, kalau buat kek mentega, guna sukatan 250 gm)
250 gram tepung naik sendiri
4 biji telur
200 gram isi cempedak, buang biji dan potong kecil-kecil (cuba potong dengan gunting supaya isi tidak jadi terlalu selekeh)

Cara membuat
1) Pukul mentega dengan gula sehingga putih dan lembut
2) Tambah telur dan tepung, selang-seli
3) Masukkan isi cempedak dan gaul. Jangan gaul terlalu banyak supaya isi masih berkeping-keping.
4) Bakar dalam ketuhar selama 45 min pada suhu 180 deg. celcius


Ok, that’s the BM version. Now the English.

Simple and easy four steps.

Chempedak Butter Cake

250 grams of butter
200 grams of sugar (normal butter cake uses about the same quantity but I reduce it to 200 gm because the fruit is sweet)
250 grams of self raising flour
4 eggs
200 grams of chempedak flesh, deseeded – Use a kitchen scissor to cut the flesh to tiny pieces to avoid it turning mushy.


Cream sugar and butter until fluffy
Add eggs and flour alternately
Mix in the flesh gently and bake. Avoid messing up the flesh and the cake batter because you do not want the flesh to seep into the batter, making the cake taste overpowering.
Bake at 180 deg. celcius for 45 minutes.


The cake is very, very delicious because the flesh is firm after baking. Meanwhile, the butter cake lends it flavour, making it the best-est cake, ever. Remember – don’t make the chempedak flesh too mushy or mix it too thoroughly with the cake batter or else the whole cake will be too ‘lemak’. The cake looks better with the pieces of chempedak and won’t taste that overpowering.


Have fun experimenting with baking cakes. It is really easy. Four easy steps is all it takes. Do not let those fancy recipe books frighten you. You know….those that have thousands of steps.

13 Replies to “Resipi kek cempedak (Chempedak cake recipe)”

  1. ai seh… my favorite – cempedak!
    i hv never try cempedak cake before… does the entire cake taste like cempedak?? I bet so, hor???

  2. Wah! I can’t wait to try your recipe. It indeed seems delicious. Can you please tell me why do you alternate the eggs and flour? I haven’t come across this method. Thank you.

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